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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Free Book Friday/Giveaway Winner!! | Homemaking Blog Hop Wednesday ~ December 11th

Announcing the winner of the
Free Book Friday and Five Days of Christmas Giveaway Bundle, the winner is...
Dawn B.!

Thank you all for participating in the giveaway and The Five Days of Christmas! We enjoyed the event and the sweet comments! 
Homemaking Blog Hop Wednesday

The Featured Hopper!

Each week, we are going to be picking our favorite link or links of the previous week's link-up and featuring them as the Featured Hopper!! Share your best blog posts with us and you might get featured!! :)

This Week's Featured Hoppers

Shirley at Under an English Sky! We have been enjoying Shirley's blog for the last couple of weeks, and loved all of the pictures she shared in her post A Little Frugal Kitchen Festive Cheer - simply lovely. 

A Little Frugal Kitchen Festive Cheer

And Gin from At Home in Doe Hill has put put up the part two of her DIY 6-Panel Skirt Pattern! We love do-it-yourself skirts - even more wonderful in a house full of girls! Thank you for sharing ladies!

DIY 6-Panel Skirt Pattern: Part Two

Participate in the Blog Hop!

Have fun sharing in this week's blog hop, and have a blessed week, Ladies! 
~ Jessica ~   

One thing we love to do in our work is encourage ladies in making their homes... we are so pleased to start this Homemaking Blog Hop each week! Please join us, and share your links!

Topics can include... crafting, homemaking, encouragement, recipes, homeschooling, sewing, quilting, organizing, anything that has to do with making our homes! 

At the bottom, use the link tool to share your link, title and pick your image, it's so simple! And yes, you can share multiple links. =) 

Grab our Blog Hop button to add to your blog to share the fun! *Required to participate*


Gin said...

Thank you so much for featuring my little skirt pattern post! I'm really enjoying reading here. Blessings!

Unknown said...

@Gin You're very welcome! :)

Shirley Ann said...

Thank you for featuring my blog Teresa :o)

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