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Monday, April 23, 2012

Homemade Spreadable Butter

This afternoon I decided to try something new - spreadable butter. We have been giving in and buying the tubs of margarine not only because of the cheaper cost, but also because you can actually spread the butter. After a few gross facts about margarine though, we've decided to buckle down and just use butter. However, there are few things more irritating than ripping a whole in your pancake with hard butter!

So, I found a few recipes for spreadable butter and tweaked it all together to fit what I wanted.

There are only three ingredients needed: Butter, oil and water. Salt is optional, but I added about 3/4 tsp. to mine and was happy with the taste of it. You can use different types of oil, anything from safflower to olive oil. I decided I didn't want the heavier taste of olive oil for my first batch, so I used vegetable oil.

 ~ This recipe makes about 2 cups (just a little more than 2 cups)

You need:
    2 sticks softened butter, salted or unsalted
    1/2 cup oil (vegetable, olive, safflower, etc.)
    1/4 cup water
Place the butter in a mixer equipped with wire whips. Whip on high speed for 2 minutes, pausing frequently to scrape the sides of the bowl down.

 With the mixer running on low speed, slowly pour the oil down the side of the bowl. Mix until thoroughly combined; make sure you scrape the bottom of the bowl.
Repeat the same steps for adding the water. After mixing in the water, you can add 3/4 tsp. of sea salt, but this is optional.

Whip on high speed for one minute. Finished! The mixture should now resemble pudding, but this will become firm (but still spreadable) after it is chilled for a few hours.

I was very happy with the results; it was very easy and only took a few minutes. Butter problem solved!


Melonie said...

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for this post! Just 2 days ago my husband mentioned that we were almost out of spreadable butter - I have stick butter on hand but no one wanted to use it. There's one little pat of spreadable butter in the container and I was wondering if there was a way to just make my stick butter "spreadable" style; I hadn't had time to research it yet though! You've solved my problem - doubly so, since we anticipate moving in about 6 weeks and need to use up the stick butter anyway! THANKS!!!

Unknown said...

Your welcome, Melonie!

Kim @ Homestead Acres said...

I'll have to try this! normally I just leave the butter on the counter as we go through it fairly fast. lol But in the winter it still gets to hard to spread.

Mindy said...

I've been buying the stuff in the tubs since reading all the gross margarine facts, as well, but that stuff is so dang expensive. I'm all over this. Thank you!

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