We are busy this week with planning the May online conference for Joyous-Homemaking! Now that Mom is feeling better, I have a little more time to get back to fixing up the blog and other websites. We actually have few things that we took pictures for to add to the blog, so we'll be back on here later with one of our recent recipes.. or other something!
Hope everyone is having a very blessed week! And If you are subscribed to our magazine, be on the look out for it in the mail!
I can't wait!:)
Yea, Yea, and Yea!!!! Can't wait and I am just too excited! The front cover is just lovely!
Oh~ I can't wait for the next conference as well. I am sure it will be wonderful!
Have a blessed day!
Yipee! Can I call a teacher in service day?!??!?! Maybe I'll try to for an early bed time for the kids!!?!??! I'll probably just have to squeeze it in here and there!
Oh, I'm looking forward to seeing it in my mailbox!!
I got mine Saturday!!! Can't wait to look through it!
Yay, mine came today!! Look forward to sitting down and reading it through. :)
My oldest is reading it now, she is 10. :)
What a beautiful magazine full of encouragment for the homekeeper. Thank you for all of your hard work in getting it put together for us to enjoy!!
I througouly enjoyed mine! And I KNOW I did NOT spell that right! : ) Oh, well!
Hi, LaSara! ; )
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