Thursday, April 30, 2009
May Block Peek..

Mistakes Are Good
When we lived in TX and before I knew about whole grain bread making, we would buy these very delicious sourdough hard rolls. They were white flour rolls though; these taste just like the rolls I wished I knew how to make!
I would suggest making rolls with this not a loaf. The crust is very crispy and the inside very tender and the best part, all whole wheat. Enjoy!
I would serve these as rolls and make Misson Baked Beans with them! YUM! I also use a Bosch, so cut in half if your mixer isn't a big one.
6 cups water
3 Tbsp. Tofu White Powder
3 Tbsp. Dough Enhancer
5 cups of Prairie Gold or other hard white wheat freshly milled
3 Tbsp. Saf yeast on top of warm flour
Mix until smooth. I sponged this for 90 minutes, you can sponge less, but the fermented taste may not be as prominent.
Then add: 2 Tbsp. of Real Salt, and flour one cup at a time until the bowl cleans. Knead for 5 minutes with a high powered mixer and then test gluten.
Shape into rolls and bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes or until light brown and hollow when tapped.
Enjoy, Theresa
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Spring Issue is Here!

We are busy this week with planning the May online conference for Joyous-Homemaking! Now that Mom is feeling better, I have a little more time to get back to fixing up the blog and other websites. We actually have few things that we took pictures for to add to the blog, so we'll be back on here later with one of our recent recipes.. or other something!
Hope everyone is having a very blessed week! And If you are subscribed to our magazine, be on the look out for it in the mail!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Invisible Blessings
"Being very much of the earth--earthy--we always want tangible, visible things--proofs, demonstrations, something to latch onto. If we always had them, of course, faith would be "struck blind." When Jesus hung on a cross, the challenge was flung at Him: Come down! He stayed nailed, not so that spectators would be satisfied (that miracle, his coming down, would have been a great crowd-pleaser), but that the world might be saved.
Many of our prayers are directed toward the quick and easy solution. Long-suffering is sometimes the only means by which the greater glory of God will be served, and this is, for the moment, invisible. We must persist in faith. God has a splendid purpose. Believe in order to see it."
"Our troubles are slight and short-lived, and their outcome an eternal glory which outweighs them far. Meanwhile our eyes are fixed, not on the things that are seen, but on the things that are unseen" (2 Cor 4:17, 18 NEB).
Monday, April 13, 2009
In Heaven
Last week, our baby gained entrance to heaven, the place we all long for. He or she was was due Nov.9th. I can accept this from God even though there is sadness all around. This is our third baby we look forward to one day seeing. These babies will have no sadness, no world to deal with, no pain or suffering; they are safe and protected, so we are thankful.
Many of our friends know this already and thank you so much for your kind notes of comfort.
We hope everyone enjoyed their Easter and with likeness of mind we can rejoice because He is Risen!
Blessings, Theresa
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Busy Week!

Time for a little update on what we have been busy working over the last couple of weeks. For starters, we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the spring issue! We had some good projects and articles for this issue and after all of that hard work, we can't wait to have it here in magazine form. A few other fun things cooking for this week too :)

Saturday is The Wise Guy seminars! Want to learn how to change the oil in your car? :) If you are joining us this weekend, we look forward to meeting you there!
While we are in the midst of getting ready for the conferences, I am going to be tweaking our blog up a bit! The design and graphics need a little freshening up :) I am also adding a page for graphics our readers may use if they wish to link to us, plus all the details for the new giveaway we are going to be doing on a monthly basis! Keeping it a secret until I announce it..
Many blessings to you and your family,