Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Do the Next Thing
I thought I'd throw a rope of encouragement out - Let's all "Doe the Next Thing" (Original spelling)
From an old English parsonage, down by the sea, there came in the twilight, a message to me; Its quaint Saxon legend, deeply engraven, hath, as it seems to me, teaching from Heaven. And on through the hours the quiet words ring, like a low inspiration -do the next thing.
Many a questioning, many a fear, many a doubt, hath its quieting here. Moment by moment, let down from heaven, time, opportunity, guidance, are given. Fear not tomorrows, child of the King, Trust them with Jesus, do the next thing.
Do it immediately; Do it with prayer; Do it reliantly, casting all care; Do it with reverence, tracing His Hand, Who placed it before thee with earnest command; Stayed on Omnipotence, safe 'neath His wing, leave all resultings, do the next thing.
Looking to Jesus, ever serener,(working or suffering) be thy demeanor. In His dear presence,the rest of His calm, the light of His countenance Be thy psalm. Strong in His faithfulness, praise and sing, then, as He beckons thee, do the next thing.
To the day given, Theresa
Monday, July 13, 2009
Anne of Green Gables anyone?
Thank you friends!
Blessings, Theresa
Saturday, July 11, 2009
July Giveaway Post
So here it is! If you would like to a enter our Seasons At Home Magazine giveaway this month, post your comments on this post!
View giveaway rules and instructions here
Update: We are still busily ensconced in front of projects, behind projects, in the midst of projects and designing the Summer '09 issue!
We are also preparing for another change on the home front.. moving! Yes, we are going to be relocating very soon after the publication of this issue. It seems God is leading us to New England, possibly to the southern Maine or New Hampshire area. Vermont is also still a possibility. My Dad is flying out at the end of the month for job interviews, so we will hopefully have all of the details worked out by then. I'm sure you can imagine how busy we are over here!
Prayers would be greatly appreciated for the coming changes for our family.. :)
Many blessings on your weekend! ~*~Jessica~*~
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Giveaway Announcement and Update!

Our lovely banner! I was very happy with how well it turned out =) That was a hard one to design.

Mother and I. From the looks on our faces.. what do you think the caption should be on this picture? :) I have one ~ Jess: "So, you think we look like we know what we're doing?"

We had the pleasure of meeting the McDonald family who were in a booth behind us! It was so nice to meet Miss Tiffany.. I can only wish that we had gotten a better picture. Vain questions you ask yourself when looking at yourself in a picture: What happened to my hair?.. Why does that shirt make me look fat? Ah.. things we can laugh about later.
A very sweet picture of Madison and Abigail McDonald :) Little Abigail wandered over to our table and she and Madi got to talking. They played together the entire day!

Working in the kitchen making food for the magazine :)
One of the absolutely sweet and adorable dresses Mother made for the girl's tea for the magazine! (Evie is modeling) She's making hats to match as we speak :)
That is all there is for this moment! Have a very blessed Independence Day everyone.. and many blessings ~*~Jessica~*~